
Honey Bees - Revealing the Fantastic Secret from Fantastic Super Small Animals

by: Jason Rolances

It is right that we know many things about bee, but the most stylish thing is when it comes to honey bees. Once we do not realize of how much we depend on these small animals though we have applied the benefit of honey manufactured by honey bees. As we know that some people have applied honey for numerous purposes. So, let’s get closer to these wonderful insects by read this up!

Little Known Truths You May Not Know

In the scientific world, honey bees are known as Apis mellifera. They have six legs, two eyes, two wings, a stomach, and a nectar pouch. Honey bees live in their hives of up to 60,000 bees. They are divided into worker bees, drones, and one queen. The queen’s job is only laying eggs. While the drones that consist of male population are in charge to mate with the queen. Then, female bees are the worker bees that make the honey. In truth, their very small buzzing wings are able to carry them six miles up to fifteen miles per hour.

These female honey bees leave the hive to get honey from numerous flowers. In a single trip, they will collect from 50 up to 100 different flowers. These worker honey bees are able to live between six and eight weeks that each will make only a teaspoon of honey in their lifetime. Now let’s see why there are so many bees needed to do this process. The queen is in charge of keeping the population up. She can lay around 2500 eggs every day. This queen bee can live between two and three years.

As you know, honey bees sting, but only the females. In actuality the drones don’t have stingers since they never leave the hive. The female worker bees will definitely sting if they are provoked or they are attempting to control the hive. And in truth, after these female honey bees sting, they die. The queen is also having a stinger, but since they never leave the hive, the queen bee doesn’t use it.

Honey bees are also unusual as they have special dancing movements to communicate one another. Smartly, they have a unusual way in distinguishing their hive from other honey bee hives. Every honey bees has a special odor so that they are easily identified.

And the most amazing truth from these honey bees is that these very small animals are able to make something that can be eaten for human. With honey, some people take a lot of benefit and it has been applied in numerous purposes for a long time. That is why why many people now like bee keeping. So, let’s keep the existence of these wonderful insects!

Explore more about honey bees, since there are many things you haven’t known and will be answered only if you visit the links here! These guidelines will make you smarter about snoring


Non-Shedding Dog Breeds

By Kirsten Hawkins

Many people would love to own a pet dog, but are wary of the potential mess that shed dog hair can cause in their homes. These people want a dog that doesn’t shed to be their companion. Unfortunately there is no such thing as a dog that doesn’t shed at all. All dogs will shed and replace at least some of their hair, just like people do. There are some breeds that shed far less than others, however, and selecting one of these breeds can keep the shedding mess to a minimum.

Airedale Terrier:

The Airedale terrier is a large terrier with a rough coat that sheds very little. These dogs can be good with children, but such socialization needs to start early in the dog’s life. They may play too roughly for small children. These are loyal and trainable dogs, but are also very naturally curious and not easily coaxed away from something that catches their interest. The Airedale usually grows to about 22-24 inches in height and a weight of 50-65 pounds.


The Cockapoo is reminiscent of the Poodle, especially in the face. It has a short, curly coat and does not shed much but does require above average grooming. It is actually a cross between the American Cocker Spaniel and the Poodle, hence its appearance and name (Cocker + Poodle = Cockapoo). These dogs are very friendly, loyal, and playful. They are good with children and other dogs and are typically very easy to train.

Italian Greyhound:

The Italian Greyhound is a miniature Greyhound. The body style of this dog is nearly exactly like that of his racing cousins, but in a convenient, compact size. These dogs are gentle and submissive. They become very emotionally attached to their people. They are obedient and easy to train, but prone to mischief – and they know when they’ve been naughty. They get along well with children – if the children are well behaved. If the kids are high strung and rambunctious, the dog will be too. It is best in a quiet household. The coat of the Italian Greyhound is short and sleek and they don’t shed much at all.

Miniature Poodle:

The Miniature Poodle is not truly a breed all to itself, but one of the three AKC recognized sizes of Poodles. Like all Poodles, they shed very little, but their short, curly coats require considerable grooming. They are very intelligent, playful, and quite trainable. They generally get along well with children, but they can be sensitive or nervous around rowdy kids. They easily integrate with a family and feel that they have to be a part of all family activities. They will often act as though they’ve been slighted if not included in family activities.